The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

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Zam Zam
Zam Zam

The well spring, represents ‘Ilm al Haqaiq (the knowledge of Realities). “For whatever reason you drink . . . “

As Safa
As Safa

An indication to the purification of the self from the human qualities.


"Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round," (2:158). In the rituals of Hajj, the pilgrim passess seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa,...

Khorouj al Ihram
Coming out of the state of consecration

(Khorouj al Ihram). Coming out of the state of consecration indicates the return back to the realm of the creation – serving them without attributing capability to one’s own self in the seat of Truthfulness.

Knowing by Allah

('Arafat) - is a state of 'knowing by Allah'.


The plain between Mina and Arafat where, during the rites of Hajj, the pilgrim collects 49 pebbles with which to symbolically stone the Satan. On the higher plane, this represents the collective state of nearness.

Al Mash’aar al Haram
Al Mash’aar al Haram

The satisfying of the desires of the people of nearness.

Jamaraat al Thalaatha
Three Pillars

(Jamaraat al Thalaatha). The three pillars represent the self, the character and habit. Through the action of stoning the pillars, one annihilates these qualities and replaces them with the seven attributes of Allah.

Tawaaf al Widaa’
Farewell Circumambulation

(Tawaaf al Widaa’).


(Zujajah). The glass that is referred to in the verse of light is the heart and the misbah or lamp is the spirit. The tree that the lamp is lit from is the self.

Al Thahir
Outward, The

(Al Thahir). The Principle insofar as It manifests Itself through and in the World; from this derives the perspective of analogy. Mystery of universal Manifestation; of Symbolism.

Al Batin
Inward, The

(Al Batin). The Hidden, the Nonmanifest. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah. The Principle insofar as It remains hidden behind the appearances of Manifestation; from this derives the perspective of abstraction. Mystery of Immanence as well as of Tr...

Al Wahid
One, The

(Al Wahid). The Principle insofar as It is One in relation to Manifestation. Mystery of extrinsic Unity.

As Samad
Independent, The

(As Samad). The Independent. The Impenetrable. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah. The Principle insofar as nothing can be added to It, given that It contains everything; there is nothing that It does not already possess, thus nothing can enter into...

La ilaha il Allah
There is no god other than Allah

(La ilaha il Allah). These words which form the first part of the Islamic Testimony of Faith could be paraphrased as 'there is no reality, only Reality' or 'there is no truth, only Truth' or 'there is no love, only Love'. The phrase is the supreme d...