The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

malal (ملل)

(Malal). For the knower ('arif) and the lover ('ashiq) of Allah there can be no boredom, either in this world or the next, because of the ever renewing Self-disclosures with which Allah floods their hearts in each instant.

See also: Knowers of Allah New Creation Self-disclosure never repeats Itself

(Al 'Arifin/'Urufa). They see and recognize Allah wherever they look. The knowers are bewildered. But this is not the bewilderment of being lost, rather it is the bewilderment of having found Allah. They know that He cannot be known. The knowers are nothing because they are everything.
Knowers of Allah

(Khalq Jadid). This term signifies the state of constant change (new creation) which everything undergoes in each indivisible instant. Nothing remains the same for two successive moments. It is through the observation of the new creation (khalq jadid) within his own heart that the knower gains knowledge of Allah, realising that each moment contains a fresh and new Knowledge of Allah. This is the never-ending unfolding of Knowledge from the Essence Itself.
New Creation

(La Takrar fil Tajalli). This expression indicates that there is never any repetition in Allah's Infinite Self-disclosures (Tajalli). This is 'the renewal of creation in each instant' (Tajdid al Khalq fil-Anat). Allah does not unveil Himself in the same manner in two successive moments to any two creations within His creation. Each instant is fresh and new. This never repeated Self-disclosure is what the knower of Allah witnesses in his own heart. Because each moment is utterly unique the requirements of that particular moment are also unique. The knower of the moment does not resort to old reactions or past experiences when facing and fulfilling the demands of the moment. His heart receives spontaneous (Ikhtiyar) knowledge from the Source Itself. This is the 'the renewal of creation in each instant'. The Slave, Knower ('arif) and lover ('ashiq) takes his knowledge directly from al Hayy, the Living. He drinks from the Water of Life (ab-i-hayat) which is ever fresh and ever renewed.
Self-disclosure never repeats Itself