The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Ma'lum aI ma'dum
Known non-existent

(Ma'lum aI ma'dum). The known non-existent. The entity who has not yet been brought into existence through the Divine Command and is therefore in a state of relative non-existence, is known by Allah within His Eternal Knowledge. This entity is the known non-existent.

See also: Engendered things Fixed Entities Non-existence

(Mukawwanat)). These are the creations which have been brought into existence through Allah's Word of Command "Kun!" and which will leave this world when their stay here is terminated. It is within the Cloud, which is the Supreme Isthmus, that form is given by the Giver of Forms, Al Musawwir, to all of the existents or engendered things. Every existent becomes manifest within the Cloud.
Engendered things

(Ayan al Thabita). The immutable entities or fixed prototypes or established essences or potentialities. These are the infinite and immutable Possibilities which are fixed in the Ipseity. The fixed entities are the images of the Divine Names and Qualities and 'things' of the Ipseity in the Presence of Knowledge, with specific individuation. The term signifies the essential character of every individual existing from eternity in the Divine Knowledge. They are established according to non-existence and they are not qualified by existence.
Fixed Entities

('Adam-i muhidh). Pure non-existence.