The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


Wujud - see 'Being'. Kawn - see 'Engendered existence'.

See also: Being Engendered existence

(Wujud). Being, existence or finding. When considered as 'being', wujud designates Allah's Own Reality and Essence. When considered as 'existence', wujud designates the things found in the cosmos. When considered as 'finding' wujud designates the subjective experience of finding Allah or having awareness of Allah. The Verifiers and the People of Unveiling and Finding continually and everlastingly find Allah both in the cosmos and within themselves.

(Kawn/Ka'inat). Existence comes from Allah's Word "Be!" ("Kun!"). Allah, as the Divinity, is perpetually with engendered existence, but, engendered existence is not perpetually with Allah. The entire spiritual work of the higher teaching is directed towards being in a perpetual state of presence with Allah. Allah's friends, the Awliya, witness Allah constantly. Their witnessing is a joining which does not turn into a separation, just as knowledge does not turn into ignorance.
Engendered existence