The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Search Results

60 of 669 search results for: Sa

Sincere lover

('Ashiq-i-Sadiq). The sincere lover (of Allah).


(Asma). Names. The Names designate permanent 'aspects' of the Essence. Every Name has a meaning and a form. The meaning of every Name is Allah. It is only through the Names, all of which are Allah's, that we have access to Knowledge of Allah. The Div...

asma' al-'alam
Names of the World

(Asma al Alam). The names of the world. All of the names of the world derive from the One Source, Allah. Everything in existence has come out from non-existence in the Knowledge of Allah, through the Divine Command "Be!". Everything is from Allah. Ev...

asma' dhatiyyah
Names of the Essence

(Asma Dhatiyyah). These are the Names which express the Pure Transcendence of the Essence. They are distinct from the Qualitative Names (Asma Sifatiyyah). The Names expressing the Essence include The One (al Ahad), The Most Holy (al Quddus) and The I...

asma' ash-sharif
Names of Nobility

(Asma ash-Sharif). The Noble Names. These are the ninety-nine noble names by which the Holy Prophet Muhammad is named, may the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace.


(Asrar). The asrar are hidden within the depths of the inner consciousness. They pass between the purified centre of the emancipated soul (who is a true slave!) and his Lord. All of the secrets derive from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutatio...

Staff of Moses

('Assa). The staff of Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him). The staff symbolizes the (corporal) world which it is to be feared when it controls and dominates. However, the knower of Allah can take it up, as did the Prophet Musa, and use it in the Way of ...

aw adna
Or Nearer

(Aw adna). This term implies Union and disappearance in Allah. It is the final stage in the ascension to Allah, coming after the stage of Qaba Qawsayn ('Two Bows' Length'). It is purely through the Grace of Allah that the station of 'Or Nearer' is at...

Friends of Allah

(Awliya). The friends of Allah. These are His Saints. Their knowledge is not derived from reflection. Allah has purified them of that type of knowledge. They possess the opening of unveiling through Allah, the Real, Himself. The awliya are those with...

Spiritual work

(Awrad). This is the spiritual work undertaken by the murid with the direct permission of his Murshid. The awrad consists of units of dhikr, in the form of repetition of Divine Names, Qur'anic verses and sacred litanies. Within tariqa it is the actua...

'ayn mawjuda
Entity, Existent

('Ayn mawjuda). The existent entity. The immutable entity ('ayn thabita) and the existent entity ('ayn mawjuda) are the same reality. The latter exists in the cosmos while the former does not. The 'ayn mawjuda is the possible thing after it comes int...

Door or gate

(Bab) Door or gate. Sitting patiently, with total respect and utter humility, at Allah's door, is the work within tariqa. While knocking on Allah's door the murid waits mindfully, never distracted, in readiness for whatever Allah Wills for him. The l...

Spiritual energy

(Barakah) is a subtle spiritual energy which flows through everything, but is strongest within the human. The more purified the human becomes, the greater the flow of barakah. Overpowering barakah can be experienced in sacred places, in sacred art an...


(Barzakh). Barrier or isthmus or separating partition. The barzakh is the symbol of an intermediate state. It is something which separates two other things while never going to one side. It is the barrier between the known and the unknown, the existe...

al-barzakh al-a'la
Isthmus, Supreme

(Al Barzakh al 'Ala). This is the Great Isthmus standing between Allah and nothingness. It is known by various names; Nondelimited Imagination, The Cloud, The Breath of the All Merciful, The Real Through Whom Creation Takes Place, The Universal Reali...