The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Search Results

30 of 85 search results for: tab

'id al-fitr
Festival of fast breaking

('Eid al Fitr). When the traveller observes the inward fast by striving to purify his thoughts, words, deeds and heart, and when through such striving he succeeds in abstaining from everything that is 'other-than-Allah', he then breaks his fast on la...


(I'jaz). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) was given inimitability (i'jaz) through The Qur'an, which is Allah's Word. Through The Qur'an he acts as Allah's spokesman and therefore he cannot be imitated.

Undifferentiated mode

(Ijmal). Within the Knowledge of Allah all of the immutable entities are differentiated. Allah distinguishes each entity and does not see them as undifferentiated. The root of the cosmos is Allah, and the cosmos itself is the manifestation of the Di...

al-'ilm tabi li'l-ma'lum
Knowledge follows its object

(Al 'ilm tabi' lil ma'lum). 'The object of knowledge determines the knowledge itself. Allah does not make a thing the way it is, rather He knows the way it is in His Knowledge. He knows that thing through knowing Himself.


(Infi'al). Receptivity or passivity or readiness to be acted upon. The receptivity of the existent entity is closely related to its preparedness. Such a receptivity or passivity is necessary if the murid is to 'travel' along the Spiritual Path, unde...


(Isti'dad) is closely connected to receptivity (infi'al). It is the readiness to receive what Allah Wills to send. This 'preparedness' was established in Pre-eternity through the Most Holy Emanation (Al Fayd al Aqdas) which gave the preparedness to ...


(Istilah). Each science has its own unique terminology through which the people of that science communicate with each other. The newcomer to that science must be taught the terminology which is relevant to his field of study. Tasawwuf, the Science o...


(Ithbat). Affirmation or confirmation of the slave's existence after his effacement in the Oneness of Allah. Ithbat may also indicate an affirmation after a negation, the supreme example of which is "There is no god other than Allah". Ithbat may indi...


(Jawhar). A jewel or substance. Jawhar indicates the very essence of a thing. The incorruptible nature of a precious jewel is the symbol for the immutability of the essence.

kana maktub
It is written

(Kana Maktub). This phrase indicates that fate or destiny has been written by the Pen upon the Preserved Tablet, and the ink is dry. There is no changing it.

Incoming Thought

(Khatir). Every divine command descends to the creation. As the thoughts descend, they gather all of the emanations of that which they pass through. Each thought penetrates all of the Celestial bodies and affects them in every movement according t...


(Khayr). Allah is the Sovereign Good. All goodness derives from Allah. Allah is not Goodness because He Wills to be Goodness, but rather He Wills Goodness because Goodness is what Allah Is in His Essence. Khayr is everything that is positive, useful...


(Kitab) The Great Silence became qualified with letters. The letters formed into words. The words gathered into sentences and the sentences into a book. It is said that each part of every existent thing is a 'letter' of Allah, and each creation is a ...

Book -The

(Kitab). The Holy Qur'an is The Book

al-kitab al-mastur
Book - Inscribed

(Kitab al Mastur). This Book is within the Presence of Compelling. This is the Presence of the First Unveiling where the Mother of the Book begins to enter into chapters and details. This is the Presence of the Reality of Muhammad. Here is where the ...