The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Temporally originated

(Muhdath). Knowledges come to man through Allah's Speech. Man did not have such knowledges before he entered the sphere of Space and Time, therefore these knowledges are said to be temporally originated. He did not know and then he knew. His knowing took place in the realm of Time. The Speech of Allah is Eternal but the hearing and knowing which results from It is temporally originated.

See also: 'Am I not your Lord?' Engendered things Silence Speech

(Mukawwanat)). These are the creations which have been brought into existence through Allah's Word of Command "Kun!" and which will leave this world when their stay here is terminated. It is within the Cloud, which is the Supreme Isthmus, that form is given by the Giver of Forms, Al Musawwir, to all of the existents or engendered things. Every existent becomes manifest within the Cloud.
Engendered things

(Sukun) is silence or stillness. This is the great silent stillness of the Essence to which the hearts of the lovers of Allah yearn to return.

(Kalam) is speech or words. The Source, Allah, is the Great Silence. In the process of descent, the Supreme Silence is firstly qualified with letters which then appear as words. The words become a sentence or sign which then appears as a form or book. The world is a book and the human is a book. In these two books we can read the signs of Allah, "on the horizons and within ourselves", which will enable us to ascend, and dwell once again, in the Great Silence.