The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Mufarridun). The Recluses are those who seek retirement from mankind. They are contrasted with the Men of Perfection, The People of Blame, who are perpetually in the Divine Presence regardless of the outside situation. The hearts of the People of Blame are occupied with witnessing Allah everywhere, within the creatures and within themselves. They are in seclusion (khalwa) while being in society (jalwa) and their every moment is sweet (halawa). They are mashgul farigh - 'engaged yet free', or 'busy/not busy'.

See also: Abiding 'I am sitting with the one who remembers Me' One who remembers People of blame Perpetual Presence Seclusion Society Sweetness

(Dhakir). The one who remembers Allah. The dhakir is precious to Allah Who created man only so that he would worship and know Allah. The one who turns, with an utter turning, towards fulfilling his reason for being, has been given the greatest gift from Allah Almighty.
One who remembers

(Al Malamatiyya). These are the Perfect Ones. Their exteriors never disclose the reality of their interiors. They are those who know and are not known. Al malamatiyya are Allah's perfect slaves, Allah's perfect lovers, Allah's perfect knowers. They manifest His All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah', without a trace of Lordship. Allah has placed their 'blaming self' over them as a protection against self-conceit or satisfaction. They are the greatest of the Sufis. They are in constant submission and surrender to the Will of Allah. A Murshid (Spiritual Guide) who is one of the malamatiyya is the perfect Murshid and his murids often attain to Manliness. The Master of the cosmos, the Best of Creation, Muhammad al Mustapha (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace), who is a Malamatiyya, is their Master.
People of blame

(Khalwa). The spiritual retreat and seclusion. Initially seclusion is undertaken by physically withdrawing from those outside disturbances which have the potential of distracting one in his contemplation of Allah's Names and Attributes. Ultimately this withdrawal becomes purely spiritual when the heart is in a state of perpetual presence with Allah . Then the lover of Allah is with his Beloved at all times, regardless of the external conditions within which he is situated. Seclusion is the conversation of one's secret awareness with Allah. This is known as 'Khalwa fi Jalwa' (Seclusion within society) - as you are in a private state of seclusion with Allah while going about your everyday activities.

(Jalwa). The knower ('Arif) is the one who observes the spiritual retreat (Khalwa) while being engaged in everyday activities within society (Jalwa). During such a time, when he is present with Allah, he finds inexpressible sweetness (Halawa). Such a lover of Allah is also called 'one who is engaged and yet is free' or 'busy/not busy'.

(Halawa). When Allah opens the doors of His Loving-Kindness to the heart of His lover that heart becomes infused with joy and is overwhelmed by inexpressible sweetness. This is the opening of sweetness (Futuh al Halawa).