(Mir'aj at Tahlil). Firstly man makes the Ascent of Composition which is the descent from inward non-manifestation within the Knowledge of Allah to the human level. The 'Uruj at Tarkib is the descent from Unity, through the Divine Presences to the realm of multiplicity. Now at the level of the "lowest of the low" man can start the return journey from the human level back to the state of non-existence within the Knowledge of Allah. The return journey is the Mi'raj at Tahlil, the Ascension of Decomposition. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller must pass on his return are Islam; Iman; Ihsan; 'Ilm al Yaqin; 'Ayn al Yaqin; Haqq al Yaqin and Islam. (Surrender, Faith, Perfection, Knowledge of Certainty, The Eye of Certainty, The Truth of Certainty and Total Surrender and Submission).