The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

lisan al-hal
Tongue of the Spiritual State

(Lisan al Hal). These are the words which issue from the Knower or Lover when he is under the domination of his state. An example is the famous utterance "I am the Truth". But, in reality, everything in the cosmos speaks with the tongue of its state.

See also: Ecstatic utterance State Union

(Shath). An ecstatic utterance is spoken while the ecstatic is in a state of spiritual intoxication. To the outsider his utterance may appear to contradict the Sacred Law, to be pretentious, thoughtless and even verging on associating partners with Allah. The perfect knower is inwardly intoxicated and outwardly sober. He keeps hidden those secrets which should never be divulged, for 'If the reality of the Sufi was to be unveiled he would be worshipped'. His servitude preserves his courtesy towards Allah.
Ecstatic utterance

(Wasl/Wusul). Union or joining. This term contains the idea of duality because of the joining, or union, between two. In complete union there is no duality whatsoever. Therefore, wasl is inferior to complete union. Through being the Divinity, Allah is perpetually in a state of wasl with engendered existence. "He is with you wherever you are" (The Qur'an 57:4).