The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Lisan). The tongue indicates the eloquence or language with which Divine Statements enter the hearing of the Knowers of Allah. During the spiritual concert, when the voice of Allah enters the world on the tongue of the singer, the hearer who is receptive and empty of self hears only words issuing from Allah's tongue. The spiritual concert is a bird flying from Allah to Allah. Allah is the tongue of the singer. Allah is the ear of the hearer.

See also: Conversation Letter Private prayer Silence

(Muhadathah). Conversation or address. Muhadathah is an address from Allah to one of His knowers. This address occurs in the visible world, as with the Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him) and the Burning Bush.

(Harf). As a letter of the alphabet, harf symbolises the language or expressions with which the Real One addresses His slave. For language to be used there must be two, a duality. There must be the Lord (Rabb) and His slave (Al Abd). The Great Silence is beyond such duality - it is within the Essence Itself.

(Munajat) is a prayer of intimate conversation between Allah and man during which words of love and affection are exchanged and consolation is found for the afflicted heart.
Private prayer

(Sukun) is silence or stillness. This is the great silent stillness of the Essence to which the hearts of the lovers of Allah yearn to return.