The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Spiritual States

(Ahwal). These are gifts from Allah to the heart of the traveller. There are thousands upon thousands of spiritual states, each state containing a myriad of subtle allusions and each allusion containing innumerable meanings. Within the spiritual concert the listener may experience a host of spiritual states.

See also: Meaning Spiritual Concert Spiritual State Tongue of the state

(Ma'an). Meaning or innermost reality. The meaning of every human form, his innermost reality, is 'Allah'. This meaning only becomes outwardly manifest in the form of the Perfect Man who has assimilated all of the Divine Names and therefore reflects the Name 'Allah'. But only those who are qualified to 'see' may perceive this outward manifestation of the inner reality. Within the Realm of Imagination meanings are clothed in forms. These meanings, these essential truths, can be seen in dreams and visions.

(Sama'). The spiritual concert or 'audition' or 'listening'. This term refers specifically to the Sufi gatherings where music and song are employed as a means of opening the heart to inrushes of knowledge and awareness. During the spritual concert, the listener may experience ecstasy and find Allah, The Real within that ecstasy. However, before true ecstasy can be experienced the listener must be spiritually mature, having been prepared through discipline and perpetual Remembrance of Allah. Without this initial contraction of spiritual endeavour the expansion of ecstasy will not be real. The Spiritual Concert is not suitable for the novice. True Sama' is a bird which flies from Allah to Allah. Allah is the singer and Allah is the hearer. At this Divine Feast the singer and the hearer become One.
Spiritual Concert

(Hal). A spiritual state which overwhelms the heart. A hal enters the heart as a gift and a bestowal of Allah's Infinite Grace upon His slave. A spiritual state cannot be attained through effort, desire or invitation. It arrives unexpectedly and departs unexpectedly. The spiritual states are numerous and the spiritual stations are numerous. The Perfect Ones have passed beyond both.
Spiritual State