The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Dar). House or abode or dwelling. When a murid is engaged in spiritual warfare and struggle his physical body is the 'abode of warfare' (Dar-ul-Harb). Within this abode there reside Allah's enemies; all the infidels, unbelievers and tyrants. They must be subdued. The purified human body (and the sanctified heart which it contains) then becomes the 'abode of Islam' (Dar-ul-Islam) and the 'abode of peace' (Dar-us-Salam). Now it is blessed and worthy of being called Allah's temple. The Sacred City of Medina, the City of the Holy Prophet Muhammad is referred to as 'the Abode' (ad-Dar). And the lover sits and knocks on the door of the Sacred House yearning for a word, a glance or a message from the Beloved. One Great Lover said "For years I thought I was knocking from the outside, but the whole time I was really knocking from the inside!"

See also: Door Ka'aba Key Noble Sacred Sanctuary Temple

The Sacred Centre in Mecca towards which Muslims face for the ritual prayer, bowing and prostrating before Allah. The Ka'aba is the earthly symbol of the Divine Throne (Al 'Arsh), around which the angels circle and it is a symbol of the sanctified heart of the Perfect Man. The Essence itself.

(Miftah). The key is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). He is the key with which to open and enter the door to Divine Knowledge. He is the key which opens the doors of Paradise and locks the doors of Hell. He is the key to unlock Generosity's sealed chest. Amongst his holy names are Miftah ar Rahmah (The key to Allah's Mercy), Miftah al Jannah (The key of Paradise), and Miftah al Khouloud (The key to eternal existence).

(Haram ash-Sharif ). The Noble Sacred Sanctuary is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). He is the Sacred sanctuary to which all of the lovers of Allah turn for protection. They are drowned in his Realit and they seek the Beloved of Allah.
Noble Sacred Sanctuary

(Haykal). Temple or bodily form. The human body is the temple of Allah.