(Dar). House or abode or dwelling. When a murid is engaged in spiritual warfare and struggle his physical body is the 'abode of warfare' (Dar-ul-Harb). Within this abode there reside Allah's enemies; all the infidels, unbelievers and tyrants. They must be subdued. The purified human body (and the sanctified heart which it contains) then becomes the 'abode of Islam' (Dar-ul-Islam) and the 'abode of peace' (Dar-us-Salam). Now it is blessed and worthy of being called Allah's temple. The Sacred City of Medina, the City of the Holy Prophet Muhammad is referred to as 'the Abode' (ad-Dar). And the lover sits and knocks on the door of the Sacred House yearning for a word, a glance or a message from the Beloved. One Great Lover said "For years I thought I was knocking from the outside, but the whole time I was really knocking from the inside!"