The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Glad tidings

(Beshara). Glad tidings which reach the heart. These may be announced to the dreamer in his dreams or within his spiritual state (hal).

See also: Heralding vision Imagination-True Spiritual State Vision

(Mubashira). A heralding vision or sound dream, through which the Friends of Allah experience revelations from Allah.
Heralding vision

(Hal). A spiritual state which overwhelms the heart. A hal enters the heart as a gift and a bestowal of Allah's Infinite Grace upon His slave. A spiritual state cannot be attained through effort, desire or invitation. It arrives unexpectedly and departs unexpectedly. The spiritual states are numerous and the spiritual stations are numerous. The Perfect Ones have passed beyond both.
Spiritual State

(Ru'ya). Vision or sight with the physical eye. For the knower his vision (ru'ya) and his witnessing are the same.