The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Pseudo mystic

(Batini). This may also refer to the mystic who is so totally immersed in the 'inward' that he has neglected the 'outward'. This is an inferior condition and one of imbalance.

See also: Disequilibrium He brings opposites together Inward Reality-Those of Verifiers

(Inhiraf). All spiritual illness are based upon an inner disequilibrium which has its root in the base character traits of the individual. Through spiritual struggle and the sincere turning to the Remembrance of Allah the base character traits may be transformed into noble ones. With the assuming of the noble character traits, equilibrium and harmony will be attained.

(Jam'uhu al Diddayn). When asked, 'Through what do you know Allah?' one of the Masters answered, 'Through the fact that He brings opposites together'.
He brings opposites together

(Al Muhaqqiqun). These great ones form the highest category of friends of Allah. They follow no one's authority because in themselves they have verified and realized [through unveiling and finding], the truth and reality of all things which is Allah, the Real. They are also known as'The People of Unveiling and Finding'.