The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Basar) 'Sight' is the outward eye which perceives the World of the Visible as compared with the inward eye (basirah) which perceives the World of the Unseen.

See also: Eye of Certainty Inner eye

('Ayn al Yaqin). The Eye of Certainty. In the triad of the Knowledge of Certainty the Eye of Certainty the Truth of Certainty, the Eye of Certainty could be likened to actually seeing the light of the flames of a fire, after having merely heard a description of that fire. This is the stage of knowledge before being consumed by the flames themselves (Truth of Certainty). The Eye of Certainty is the inner eye or insight. The opening of this 'eye is a miracle and a mystery and it only comes about through the Mercy of the All Merciful. It is Allah's gift to His slave through His Infinite Grace. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller must pass on his Journey of Return to the Source are Surrender, Belief, Perfection; Knowledge of Certainty, Eye of Certainty and unconditional surrender with Knowledge.
Eye of Certainty

(Basirah). Insight. The basirah is the inner eye which perceives the World of the Unseen. Man's basirah is veiled and covered with a rust which can only be removed through the sincere practising of the Remembrance of Allah. Insight is one of the forms of direct knowledge of Reality.
Inner eye