Sayyidi Ahmad al Badawi was born in Fes, Morocco, in the year 596AH/1200CE. His lineage traces back to Sayyiduna wa Mawlana al Imam al Hussayn. He spent much of his youth in Mecca amongst the Bedouins and would cover his face in imitation of them. From this he became known as al-Badawi, the Bedouin. During his time with the Bedouins he became renowned as a bold and daring horseman. Throughout his life Sayyidi Ahmad al Badawi was guided by instructive dreams or visions (manam). He spent time living an austere life and spent much of his time in worship in a cave outside of Mecca. He embarked on the spiritual path in earnest during his mid-thirties and initially became reclusive, devoting himself to extensive devotion. As a result of a series of visions, Sayyidi Ahmad al Badawi travelled to Iraq, visiting Sayyidi Abdul Qadir al Jilani and Sayyidi Ahmad ar-Rifa'i, and was initiated into the Rifa'iyya Tariqa. After touring Iraq he returned to Mecca until he was given another indication in a dream to travel to Tanta, in the Nile Delta, where he spent the rest of this life. When visiting the Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) in Medina, Sayyidi Ahmad al Badawi addressed him saying "If they say to me, you went and visited, what did you come back with of benefit? O most generous of all creation, what do we say in return?" He heard the blessed voice of the Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) replying "Say: We have come back with every goodness, and the branch has met and connected with its origin." Amongst his sayings are "beware the love of this world, for it corrupts the righteous deed as vinegar corrupts honey" and "this way of ours is built upon the Book, the Sunnah, truthfulness, purity, loyalty, bearing injustice against oneself, and fulfilling the promise." Sayyidi Ahmad al Badawi is the founder of the Badawiyya Tariqa, also known as the Ahmadiyya Tariqa, and he is recognised as one of the four major Poles (aqtab) within Sufism. He passed away in 655AH/1276CE in Tanta, Egypt.