Sayyidi Ibrahim was born in Dasuq, Northern Egypt, in the year 633AH/1255CE, during the last night of the month Sha'ban. Sayyidi Ibrahim refused to suckle in the morning after his birth and during the daylight hours of Ramadan, the first of many of the miraculous events of his life. He read the Qur'an from age three and regularly entered retreat (khalwa) from age five. A distraught mother came to Sayyidi Ibrahim, telling him that a Nile crocodile had taken her son. Sayyidi Ibrahim found the crocodile and told it to return the child, which it did. He then told the crocodile to die, which it did. One back vertebra (kharaza) from this crocodile still hangs in Sayyidi Ibrahim's tomb. He is author of many well known litanies (ahzab), perhaps most famous of which is Salat al-Muhammadiyyah, a prayer on the Muhammadan Essence, also known as Al-Dhatiyyah. Sayyidi Ibrahim understood Syriani, the language of the Angels, which can be found interspersed within his litanies. There are many stories recounting his engagement with the angels, even taking his parents, Sayyidi Abdul Aziz al Mukni bi abi-l Majd and Sayyidatuna Fatima ash-Shadhuliyya, to converse with them. His maternal uncle was Sayyidi Abul Hassan ash-Shadhuli. Sayyidi Ibrahim is the founder of the Dasuqiyya Tariqa and he is recognised as one of the four major Poles (aqtab) within Sufism. He had many followers all over Egypt, with many Christians converting to Islam at his hands. Sayyidi Ibrahim passed away in 676AH/1296CE. He is buried in his well-known mosque in Dasuq.