The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


One of the schools of thought in Islam. One of the most famous scholars to ascribe to this school is Imam al Ghazali.

See also: Breath of the All Merciful Distress Objects of Mercy

(Nafas ar-Rahman). The Breath of the All Merciful. This exceedingly beautiful term indicates the evanescent nature of existence in its state of constant change and renewal. It is the Supreme Isthmus and the very substance of the universe is the Breath of the All Merciful. In their state of non-existence the entities are contracted and distressed). This Divine Breath brings relief to them by giving them their existence. Allah breathes out, and through His All Merciful Breath He speaks. We, the creation, are His Words. We are the forms and He is the meaning.
Breath of the All Merciful

(Karb) is that metaphysical state of pressure and yearning for release which occurs for non-existent entities just before their creation. It is the divine sigh of the Nafas ar-Rahman, the Breath of the All Merciful, which brings relief and removes the distress by bestowing the entities with existence. This situation is somewhat reversed for the knower and lover of Allah who has been annihilated in the Source and sent back to the creation to fulfil his duty as Viceregent. It is said that the Sufi is uncreated, and while striving to fulfil his responsibilities towards the creation, he nonetheless experiences the distress (karb) of pressure and yearning for release to return, eternally, to Allah. He spends all of his moments trying to get back to where and how he was before he was!

(Marhum). Everything in existence is an object of Mercy having become manifest through the Mercy (Rahma) of the All Merciful Himself . Allah's Mercy continually showers down and covers everything. We are surrounded by and immersed in the Divine Mercy, yet very few are qualified to see this reality. Allah says, "My Mercy precedes My Wrath".
Objects of Mercy