The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

ard Allah al-wasi'a
Earth of Allah is wide and vast

(Ard Allah al wasi'a). Allah's wide and vast earth. The secondary causes have been established and they are not abolished for anyone, not even for a friend of Allah. But, Allah gives to His slaves and friends, a light with which they can walk in the darkness of secondary causes. Allah says; "Oh, My slaves, surely My earth is wide, so worship Me!" (The Qur'an 29:56). For as long as the spirit resides in the physical body, which is Allah's wide and vast earth (Ard Allah al wasi'a), man is commanded to worship Allah in that earth. Allah made this earth 'vast and wide' because of the faculties and meanings which are to be found only within the human body.

See also: Form Meaning Secondary Causes Sign Spirit

(Sura). The outer form of an entity or thing is what conceals its inner meaning. Revelation is the outer form whose meaning is Allah's Knowledge of Himself and His creation. Tearing away the veil of form to reveal the meaning within is the work of the higher teaching. The Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustapha (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) prayed, 'Oh, Allah, show me things as they are in their reality'.

(Ma'an). Meaning or innermost reality. The meaning of every human form, his innermost reality, is 'Allah'. This meaning only becomes outwardly manifest in the form of the Perfect Man who has assimilated all of the Divine Names and therefore reflects the Name 'Allah'. But only those who are qualified to 'see' may perceive this outward manifestation of the inner reality. Within the Realm of Imagination meanings are clothed in forms. These meanings, these essential truths, can be seen in dreams and visions.

(Asbab). These were established as a means by which man can come to know Allah, yet for the majority of mankind the secondary causes act as veils over Reality.
Secondary Causes

('Alama). Sign or omen or mark. The cosmos ('alam) is a sign and a mark ('alama) of Allah. It is a proof of Allah. But a mark denotes only that which is limited, so the cosmos does not denote His Essence, only the knowledge that He exists. Every sign, every mark indicates Allah, but the majority of mankind recognize Allah only in that particular mark or sign in which they have limited Allah. The knower and lover never limit Allah. They recognize Allah in every 'alama.

(Ruh). The Ruh is that centre within man which is attracted and drawn back to its Source. The spirit endeavours to pull the heart towards Allah, while the lower self exerts a downward pull on the heart. The human spirit is also Allah's Spirit because Allah breathed His Spirit into man. In being both 'uncreated' and 'created' the Ruh makes its descent. On the Night of Power, "Therein descend the angels and the Spirit, by Allah's permission" (Qur'an 97:4). The 'uncreated' spirit is equated with the Reality of Muhammad and the 'created' spirit extends from the Divine Throne down to the Perfect Man. The Ruh cannot be seen except by the man who has outstripped 'both the worlds'. The spirit is neither within nor without the body, neither detached from it or attached to it. It is both within and without, detached and attached. The luminosity which radiates from a man depends upon the degree of activity of his Ruh.