The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


The Recitation or The Reading. The Qur'an is the Final Revelation from Allah to humanity. This Sacred Book contains all the keys with which to open the endless unfolding of Knowledge of Allah. The Qur'an is that which brings together (qur'an), and it is also that which differentiates (furqan). Seeing furqan without qur'an is seeing only multiplicity and is therefore associating other gods with Allah. Seeing only qur'an without furqan is denying the secondary causes (asbab) and therefore limiting Allah. The First Word, 'Iqra' , of the Final Revelation, which descended upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) through Jibril, the Archangel of Revelation, (Peace be upon him), opened for mankind the Perfect and Complete Way of Return to Allah.

See also: Abrogation Discrimination Good Innovation Guidance Islam (B) Muhammad Multiplicity Read Secondary Causes Unity of Allah

(Naskh). Abrogation or repeal. Certain Qur'anic verses were abrogated during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). The People of the higher teaching regard these as postponed rather than abrogated texts - that is, they were postponed until the time arrived when mankind had reached a higher level of knowledge. With this high knowledge he could then implement the message of those particular verses.

(Furqan). Discrimination or separation. The Qur'an is 'that which brings together' (The Qur'an), and it is also 'that which differentiates' (furqan). Seeing only its furqan aspect without seeing its Qur'an aspect is seeing only multiplicity. This is associating other gods with Allah. Seeing only its Qur'an aspect without seeing its furqan aspect is denying the secondary causes. This is limiting Allah.

(Huda). It is Allah Who guides whoever He wants to Himself. The journey from the circumference to the Centre is under Divine Guidance and is specific to the people of yearning who travel the Spiritual Path. When He wants to join someone to Himself He guides them to His saints.

The Surrender. The Journey of Return to Allah is from the first Islam which is merely verbal submission, through the levels of ascent to the second and Real Islam, which is total and unconditional surrender with knowledge and love to the Will of Allah. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller must pass are Surrender; Faith; Perfection; Knowledge of Certainty; Eye of Certainty; Truth of Certainty and Surrender.
Islam (A)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) is the Glory of the Universe, the Best of Creation, the Seal of the Prophets and the friend of those who truly love him. He is from the Light of Allah and all of existence is from his light. He is the key to unlock the Mystery of Existence and he is also the treasure of Existence. He is the key to Allah's Mercy and the key to Paradise. Muhammad al Mustapha is the niche and the goal of the wayfaring lover and the burning rapture within his breast. He is the Beloved of Allah. He owns the Banner of Praise and the Station of Glory. Outwardly he is the Perfect Slave and inwardly he is The One. When the Reality of Muhammad has been unveiled to the lover his heart prostrates before the sheer beauty of this most Noble Sanctuary.

(Kathra). The One descends and becomes many. Unity separates into multiplicity. The Name 'Allah' contains many Beautiful and Divine Names. The many take us back to the One. Multiplicity takes us back to Unity. The Beautiful Names take us back to Allah.

(Iqra'). 'Read' or 'Recite'. This profound word was the first word of Revelation from Allah to His Beloved Messenger Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). From the moment that 'iqra' entered the world mankind was given the opportunity to embark upon the perfect and complete method of Returning to the Beautiful Face of Allah.

(Asbab). These were established as a means by which man can come to know Allah, yet for the majority of mankind the secondary causes act as veils over Reality.
Secondary Causes

(Tawhid). The Declaration of Allah's Unity, 'There is no god other than Allah' is the very pivot of Islam. Knowledge of the Declaration of Allah's Unity is a light. Yet, Allah Himself is the affirmation of His Unity. Within the higher teaching all existence is One. The Sufis and the Verifiers have realized Allah's Unity within themselves. In itself, the Unity of Allah is divided into four categories. Unity of Actions, Unity of Attributes, Unity of the Names and Unity of the Essence. And "Allah created you and whatever actions you do" (Holy Qur'an 37:96).
Unity of Allah

Islam means peace and the person who follows this peace is called the Muslim. From another root meaning of the word, Islam means complete submission and surrender, and the person who submits and surrenders himself to the will of his Lord is the person who has accepted Allah as his Creator, Sustainer, Lord and the Master of the Day of Judgement.

So from both the definitions Islam means a way of life for people who have opted to follow peace as opposed to chaos, order as opposed to disorder, discipline as opposed to indiscipline, submission as opposed to refusal, surrender as opposed to insolence, obedience as opposed to disobedience etc. All these things combined together to define Islam as away of life by which a person becomes a follower of peace and not a follower of chaos. And the followers of peace are the Muslims whose duty it is: "to establish peace and what is good, and to prevent chaos and what is evil, and they are the best people." (Al-Qur'an 3:110)

Islam (B)