The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Nahy). The rulings which were brought by the Messengers and Prophets are either commands or prohibitions. These prohibitions are either 'forbidden' or 'displeasing' . The Divine Word of Allah's Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings or judgements and reports at His Footstool.

See also: Displeasing Footstool Judgements Law Reports Throne

(Makruh). Undesirable. That which is displeasing to Allah. Those things that are displeasing in the early stages of spiritual travel become forbidden and unlawful in the later stages. In the beginning the seekers looking at and seeing what is other-than-Allah is displeasing to Allah. In the later stages it is forbidden for the slave to look at and see anything other-than-Allah. All is He. All is He!

(Kursi). In the descent from the Absolute the Footstool is situated under the Throne. It is the place from which the command to good, and the prohibition of evil, issues. Cosmologically it is the heaven of the fixed stars. The Divine Word which descends from Allah contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The 'place' of the Unity of the Word is Allah's Throne. The Divine Word of Allah's Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings and reports at Allah's Footstool (al Kursi).

(Khabar). The Divine Word which descends from Allah contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The place of the Unity of the Word is Allah's Throne. The Divine Word of Allah's Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings and reports at the Footstool. Reports from Allah can be received by His great friends.