The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

nafs al-lawwama
Self - Blaming

(Nafs al Lawwama). The Self that Blames.The Qur'an refers to this Self, "And I do call to witness the self that blames" (75:2). This Self is conscious of its own imperfections. Its journeying is for Allah. The Blaming Self is equated with the second rung (faith) on the ladder to Knowledge and to the bowing in the ritual prayer. The Nafs al Lawamma has been set over the greatest of the Sufis, the People of Blame, in order to guard them from any self-conceit.

See also: Belief Bowing People of blame Prayer

(Ruku'). The bowing posture of the ritual prayer. The ruku' is the outward bodily symbol of an inner reality. It symbolizes both the traveller's arrival at 'The Self that Blames' and also the second rung (faith) on the ladder towards Knowledge.

(Al Malamatiyya). These are the Perfect Ones. Their exteriors never disclose the reality of their interiors. They are those who know and are not known. Al malamatiyya are Allah's perfect slaves, Allah's perfect lovers, Allah's perfect knowers. They manifest His All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah', without a trace of Lordship. Allah has placed their 'blaming self' over them as a protection against self-conceit or satisfaction. They are the greatest of the Sufis. They are in constant submission and surrender to the Will of Allah. A Murshid (Spiritual Guide) who is one of the malamatiyya is the perfect Murshid and his murids often attain to Manliness. The Master of the cosmos, the Best of Creation, Muhammad al Mustapha (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace), who is a Malamatiyya, is their Master.
People of blame

(Salat) refers particularly to the ritual prayer. It is a connection between the slave and his Lord. The ritual ablution which precedes the salat symbolizes the separation from the self. The salat itself symbolizes the joining to Allah. The seven bodily postures of the ritual prayer are symbols of the stages on the Spiritual Journey of Return to the Source and also the seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller (salik) passes on his ascent. As 'the one who performs the prayer' (musalli) approaches closer to Allah, the more profound and intense is his salat. The Holy Prophet Muhammad said, "The prayer without you is better than seventy". As his heart is purified through spiritual struggle and the Remembrance of Allah, and as he journeys along the Path of Return, the traveller leaves his lower-self behind. Initially the Divine Light radiates into the heart of the musalli-salik. Gradually this Light increases and spreads, and eventually, through the Infinite Grace of Allah, it infuses and permeates every atom of his being. Then does he pray a prayer which is without himself, because 'None worships Allah but Allah'.