The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Mu'min). The believer or the one with faith (Iman). On the seven runged ladder to Knowledge of Allah, the believer occupies the second rung, that of Iman. Such a believer is now safe from the hellfire, but his ascent to the Divine Presence still reaches above him. From the stage of mu'min he then endeavours to attain the spiritual virtues of Ihsan and become a muhsin.

See also: Bowing Eye of Certainty Faith Knowledge of Certainty Perfection Submission Truth of Certainty

(Ruku'). The bowing posture of the ritual prayer. The ruku' is the outward bodily symbol of an inner reality. It symbolizes both the traveller's arrival at 'The Self that Blames' and also the second rung (faith) on the ladder towards Knowledge.

('Ayn al Yaqin). The Eye of Certainty. In the triad of the Knowledge of Certainty the Eye of Certainty the Truth of Certainty, the Eye of Certainty could be likened to actually seeing the light of the flames of a fire, after having merely heard a description of that fire. This is the stage of knowledge before being consumed by the flames themselves (Truth of Certainty). The Eye of Certainty is the inner eye or insight. The opening of this 'eye is a miracle and a mystery and it only comes about through the Mercy of the All Merciful. It is Allah's gift to His slave through His Infinite Grace. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller must pass on his Journey of Return to the Source are Surrender, Belief, Perfection; Knowledge of Certainty, Eye of Certainty and unconditional surrender with Knowledge.
Eye of Certainty

(Iman) is to feel secure and safe. Iman is belief, and it is the verbal expression of that belief and it is putting that belief into practice. It is the second rung on the ladder to perfection: verbal surrender (Islam), faith (Iman), perfection (Ihsan), the Knowledge of Certainty ('Ilm al Yaqin), the Eye of Certainty ('Ayn al Yaqin), the Truth of Certainty (Haqq al Yaqin) and Unconditional surrender with Knowledge (Islam).

('Ilm al Yaqin). There are three stages of Certainty - ''llm al Yaqin (The Knowledge of Certainty), 'Ayn al Yaqin (The Eye of Certainty) and Haqq al yaqin (The Truth of Certainty). When considering this triad the Knowledge of Certainty occupies the first stage. It could be likened to hearing the description of a fire. It is followed by the Eye of Certainty, which is like actually seeing the light of the flames of that fire. Finally there is the Truth of Certainty which is being consumed by the flames of that blazing fire. Haqq al yaqin is the final stage in the ascent before attaining Real Islam. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller must pass are Islam; Iman; Ihsan; 'Ilm al Yaqin; 'Ayn al Yaqin; Haqq al Yaqin and Islam. (Surrender, Faith, Perfection, Knowledge of Certainty, The Eye of Certainty, The Truth of Certainty and Total Surrender and Submission).
Knowledge of Certainty

(Ihsan). Excellence or perfection or sanctifying virtue or spiritual beauty. Ihsan has three degrees: 1).To do the good that should be done with one's property, words, acts and states. 2). To worship with total presence like one was actually seeing one's Lord. 3). To contemplate Allah in all things, at all times and always. Perfection is the third rung on the seven-runged ladder of Knowledge. These seven levels are Islam, Iman; Ihsan; 'Ilm al yaqin; 'Ayn al yaqin; Haqq al yaqin; Islam. (Surrender, Faith, Perfection, Knowledge of Certainty, The Eye of Certainty, The Truth of Certainty and Total Surrender and Submission).

(Haqq al Yaqin). There are three stages of Certainty 'Ilm al Yaqin (The Knowledge of Certainty), 'Ayn al yaqin (The Eye of Certainty) and Haqq al Yaqin (The Truth of Certainty). When considering this triad the Truth of Certainty could be likened to being consumed by the flames of a blazing fire after the two preliminary stages of 'Ilm al Yaqin (merely hearing a description of that fire) and 'Ayn al Yaqin (actually seeing the light of the flames of a fire). Haqq al Yaqin is the final stage in the ascent before attaining Real Islam. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller (Salik) must pass are Islam; Iman; Ihsan; 'Ilm al Yaqin; 'Ayn al Yaqin; Haqq al Yaqin and Islam. (Surrender, Faith, Perfection, Knowledge of Certainty, The Eye of Certainty, The Truth of Certainty and Total Surrender and Submission).
Truth of Certainty