The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

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Non-existent (ma'dum) Object of vision (manzur) Objects of Mercy (marhum) Protected (ma'sum) World ('alam) Knower ('alim) Judgement (al-hukm) Name (al-ism) Speech (kalam) Innate (maftur) Object of an act (maf'ul) Limited (mahdud) Protected by Allah (mahfuz) Veiled (mahjub) Constrained (mahsur) Sensory (mahsus) Bringing together (majmu') Madness (majnun) Written (maktub) Boredom (malal) Object of knowledge (al-ma'lum) Impossible (mamnu') Waystation (manzil) Recommended (mandub) Spiritual Station (maqam) Object of Power (maqdur) Overpowered (maqhur) Intelligible (ma'qul) Vassal (marbub) Beloved - Absolute (ma'shuq) Concealed (mastur) Death (maut) Existent thing (mawjud) Nun (al-nun) Light, The (al-Nur) Folk (qaum) Peace (salam) Commonality (al-'umum) Wrong-doer (zalim)